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180 HP
28000 KG
5905 MM
Cummins ISBe 5.6 L BS6
Fuel Tank
365 Ltr.
Payload Capacity
20000 KG
No. of Tyres
Monthly EMI
Down Payment
₹ 0
Total Loan Amount
₹ 0
Tata Signa 2818.T Truck is manufactured with advanced technological solutions that provide high performance. This model comes from Tata house, which is famous for its exceptional quality. You can get Tata Signa 2818 price, features, mileage, reviews, image and other details. Just be with us.
You can get 180 Horsepower with the 6-cylinder and Cummins ISBe 5.6 L BS6 engine in this model. The Tata Signa 2818.T Truck generates 850 Nm of torque, which is adequate for many applications.
Tata Signa 2818.T Truck manufactured with maximum gradeability and good turning radius. Along with this, it has 365 Ltr of fuel tank capacity and 10 of tyres. This Truck has 28000 kg of GVW and provides superb maximum speed. Tata Signa 2818.T Truck comes with brakes with parking brakes. Its steering type is Power Steering with a G950 6F + 1R Manual Synchromesh gearbox. Besides, the Truck comes with a Front Suspension and Rear Suspension.
If Yes, then you are at the right place. At Truck Junction, you can get all the detailed information about Tata Signa 2818.T Truck. Here you can compare your Tata Signa 2818.T price with other models for a clear idea. You get clear information about Tata Signa 2818 on road price, mileage of Tata Signa 2818.T Truck. You can check Tata Signa 2818.T Truck cc and others. Tata provides commercial vehicles loaded with advanced features that provide effective work. The Tata Signa 2818.T Truck is one of them which offers superb qualities to the market.
Tata Signa 2818 price is Rs 34.60 lac*, which is fixed appropriately according to the customers. You can easily buy Tata Signa 2818.T Truck with the help of Truck Junction. For further information regarding Tata Signa 2818.T Truck, stay connected with us. Get updated Tata Signa 2818.T Truck on road price.
Get latest Tata Signa 2818.T on road price Feb 11, 2025.
Variants Available
Ex-Showroom Price
₹ 34.60 - 36.60 Lakh
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₹ 34.60 - 36.60 Lakh
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₹ 34.60 - 36.60 Lakh
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₹ 34.60 - 36.60 Lakh
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Find 7 Tata Signa 2818.T Truck, View image of Signa 2818.T , Include exterior, interior and others.
5883 CC
Payload Capacity
20000 KG
28000 KG
Fuel Tank
365 Ltr.
No. of Tyres
Max Speed
Max Torque
Air Condition
Fuel Type
Chassis Type
Chassis with Cabin
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Electric Truck
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The Information about the Tata Signa 2818.T Truck in India is as on the date shared by Tata. For the current features and variants, the customers need to visit the nearest Tata dealer. Tata Signa 2818.T price shown above is Ex. Showroom price. For exact Tata Signa 2818.T Truck price, kindly send a request and our call assistance team will help you out.