Price - ₹ 26,00,000
150 HP
16100 kg
4200 MM
H series BS6– 4 cylinder CRS with i-Gen6 Technology
Fuel Tank
185 Ltr.
Payload Capacity
10800 kg
No. of Tyres
Brand | Ashok Leyland |
Model | Ecomet 1615 HE |
Kilometer Driven | 70000 km |
Year Of Purchase | 2022 |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Are you searching for an excellent conditioned Used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck ?
At Truck Junction, you can quickly get an old Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck with all features.
Additionally, find out all the authentic details regarding the old Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck owner, including mobile number, name, etc. This good conditioned second hand Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck is available in Hyderabad, Telangana.
More About Used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck
The old Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck purchase year is 2022 and it has a Diesel fuel tank. And, the seller name of this truck is Chandrakanth reddy. Used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck price is Rs. 26,00,000. This Truck is effective and comes with good durability.
Find verified second hand Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck for sale in India. Get used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck, view complete contact details for sellers of old Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck for sale in India only on Truck Junction.
For more contact, our customer executive will help you solve problems related to used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft. Check out and get a second hand Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck with complete verified documents.
Find the best second-hand Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck only on Truck Junction. Our online platform helps you to easily buy used Ashok Leyland Ecomet 1615 HE 4200/HSD/20 ft Truck at fair market prices. The seller/broker is solely responsible for the information of listed used vehicles. Please read all guidelines carefully before making a deal.