Feb 16, 2024

5 Most Common Commercial Vehicle Problem : How to Fixed


Tires can often wear out, get punctured when not being inflated properly. Checking them and keeping them pumped up can make them last longer & avoid frequent breakdowns.


Brake problems like worn pads, fluid leaks, and malfunctions can reduce stopping power and raise accident risks. Regular inspections and timely part replacements are crucial for safe braking.


Common engine problems like overheating, oil leaks, and low fuel efficiency can be prevented by following the manufacturer's maintenance schedule, including regular oil changes and tune-ups.


Battery issues like corrosion or low charges can cause problems & electrical malfunctions. Regular checks & terminal cleaning prevent unexpected failures & keep your vehicle reliable.


Wheel bearings support the vehicle's weight and enable smooth wheel rotation. Replace worn bearings and lubricate them properly to prevent failures and maintain stability.

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