1610 KG
Battery Capacity
14.4 Kwh
Payload Capacity
750 KG
No. of Tyres
Tata Ace Pro EV is best-in-class Mini Truck manufactured by Tata. This Mini Truck from Tata is a good option for cleaner transportation.
Tata Ace Pro EV Mini Truck price is cost effective based on its specifications. Moreover, our platform helps you know about Tata Ace Pro EV on road price in your city or district.
Tata Ace Pro EV Mini Truck has a good output motor. The Tata Ace Pro EV battery capacity is 14.4 KwH. Moreover, this Mini Truck delivers high power and 104 NM of torque.
This Mini Truck has a high range in a single charge. In addition, the Tata Ace Pro EV has a fast charging time. This Tata Ace Pro EV has a Lithium Ferrous Phosphate type of battery.
Tata Ace Pro EV GVW capacity is 1610 KG. Also, this Mini Truck comes with a payload capacity of 750 KG. Finally, the seating capacity of the Tata Ace Pro EV is Driver+ 1 Passenger.
Tata Ace Pro EV is built with appropriate wheelbase. Also, the Tata Ace Pro EV has 145R12 configuration front tyres and 145R12 Configuration rear tyres.
Tata Ace Pro EV Mini Truck is available with complete information at Truck Junction. Furthermore, here you can get the Tata Ace Pro EV loan and EMI options.
Max Torque
104 NM
Max Speed
No. of Tyres
1610 KG
Payload Capacity
750 KG
3560 MM
1497 MM
1800 MM
Front Suspension
McPherson strut
Rear Suspension
semi trailing arm
3560 MM
1497 MM
1800 MM
Max Speed
Front Tyre
Rear Tyre
Battery Capacity
14.4 Kwh
Seat Belts
Seat Type
Seating Capacity
Driver+ 1 Passenger
Lithium Ferrous Phosphate
The Information about the Tata Ace Pro EV Mini Truck in India is as on the date shared by Tata. For the current features and variants, the customers need to visit the nearest Tata dealer. Tata Ace Pro EV price shown above is Ex. Showroom price. For exact Tata Ace Pro EV Mini Truck price, kindly send a request and our call assistance team will help you out.