One of the biggest CV makers in India, Ashok Leyland, has released its Truck sales data for November. The brand increased by 35.28% in the truck sales figure 2022. The Truck sales in India for the company stayed good, with a 43.19% increase, whereas the export sales of the company experienced a decrease of -69.76%.
Let’s check out the Complete Ashok Leyland Truck Sales Report November 2022.
Ashok Leyland registered growth in domestic sales, including the M&HCV and LCV segments. They sold 12,696 commercial vehicles, with a 43.19% increase against the 8,866 vehicles of November 2021. If we look at the category-wise sales, the M&HCV sector has 7,727 units, with an 86% hike against the 4,163 units of the same month last year. Also, they have 4,969 LCV units sold, with an increase of 6% compared to the 4,703 units.
Ashok Leyland ended the export sales with a decrease of 69.76%, as the Domestic sold units hit a decline from 668 units to 202 units. The M&HCV segment delivered 84 units, with a fall of 83.16%, as the units sold last November were 499. In the LCV segment, Ashok Leyland had 118 sold units which were 169 in the same month the previous year. As a result, the sales went down by 30.17%.
The Gross sales of the company, according to the Truck Sales statistics 2022, created a growth of 35.28% in November 2022. The total sales of the M&HCV segment closed with 7,811 sold units compared to the 4,662 units of last year. As a result, the M&HCV sales went up by 68%. Similarly, the LCV segment grew by 4% in gross sales. The sector sold 5,087 units, whereas the units sold in November last year were 4872.
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