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CSI Outlines Plan for Decarbonising India's Auto Industry by 2070

Posted On : 12 August, 2024

India’s auto industry is on the brink of a massive transformation. According to a new report by the Climate and Sustainability Initiative (CSI), electric vehicles (EVs) are set to revolutionize the sector. Moreover, this shift is expected to create a colossal market worth $12.9 trillion between 2020 and 2070. This staggering figure includes profits for carmakers, government taxes, and dealer earnings.

Moreover, the entire auto sector—including traditional vehicles—is expected to generate a total revenue of $19 trillion over the same period. This growth underscores the immense potential of the Indian auto market. Furthermore, it highlights the significant role EVs will play in shaping its future.

Massive Investments Needed for Green Transition

Achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 will require substantial investments in EV technology. The CSI report estimates that annual investments in this area must soar from $7 billion in 2025 to a whopping $70 billion by 2070. Consequently, a cumulative investment of over $323 billion will be necessary over the next 50 years.

Furthermore, the report highlights the importance of the auto industry in India’s overall emissions reduction efforts. It contributed to 13% of total emissions in 2016, ranking third behind the power and industrial sectors. Therefore, a swift shift towards EVs is crucial to curb greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.

CSI Director Highlights India's Net-Zero Auto Potential

According to Vaibhav Pratap Singh, Executive Director, Climate and Sustainability Initiative (CSI), "The transition to a net-zero auto industry in India is not just an environmental imperative but also an economic opportunity of unprecedented scale. Our report illustrates that with the right investments and policy support, India can lead the global shift towards sustainable mobility."

Government Support Crucial for Success

To accelerate the adoption of EVs, the government will need to play a pivotal role. This includes providing incentives for both manufacturers and consumers, investing in charging infrastructure, and creating a conducive policy environment.

Tamil Nadu, for example, has already taken significant strides in promoting EV adoption. The state government’s focus on incentivizing manufacturers and consumers has positioned Tamil Nadu as a leading EV manufacturing hub in India.

The transition to a net-zero auto industry is a complex but essential undertaking. With the right policies, investments, and industry collaboration, India can emerge as a global leader in sustainable mobility.

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