The total domestic sales of Eicher Motors declined by 14.21%, whereas the total sales of VECV rose by 117.74%.
Eicher:- Eicher Motors have disclosed the data of June’22 in which they have also displayed the sales of its subsidiary VE Commercial Vehicles. Eicher Motors sold 4323 units gaining 156.71% as compared to the 1684 units of June’22 in the Domestic market. The heavy duty vehicles reported a growth of 226% and the Light commercial vehicles segment grew by 133.7%.
The Export sales of Eicher motors registered a decline of 14.21%, where the industry sold 570 units of Commercial Vehicles in June’22, the figure did not cross 500 and stopped at 489 units. The sales of light commercial vehicles went down by 14.21%, as the figures were 394 units in June '21 but this year only 222 units were sold. Heavy commercial vehicles rose again by 51.70%
VE Commercial Vehicles:- The subsidiary brand of Eicher Motors, VE Commercial Vehicles sold 122 units of vehicles this year gaining its sales by 79.41% over the 68 units of last year.
The combined sales of Eicher Motors and VE Commercial Vehicles stands at 4934 units increasing by 117.74% of the 2322 units of June last year.
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