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Bajaj Etec RE 9.0
02 Sep 2022

Tata Motors Truck Sales Figures 2022 Raised 12% in Domestic Market

By News Date 02 Sep 2022

Tata Motors Truck Sales Figures 2022 Raised 12% in Domestic Market

Tata Motors Truck Sales Figures 2022 Raised by 12% in Domestic Market 

The commercial vehicle giant Tata Motors has revealed its truck sales data for August 2022, and the report stated the brand's dominance in the CV segment. Tata Motors created a benchmark of reliability with its quality products and unique features.

Category Wise Tata Motors Truck Sales Report August 2022

Let's look at the category-wise sales of Tata Motors for August 2022. 

  • M&HCV:- The M&HCV category consists of medium and heavy commercial vehicles and Tata has a strong hold in this category. The company gained 49% of the sales in this category as it sold 8,727 units of M&HCV vehicles as compared to the 5,840 units in August 2021. 
  • I&LCV:- Intermediate and Light commercial vehicles category sales went down by 11%, according to Tata Motors truck sales in India. The company sold 4,106 units of I&LCV this year and 4,627 units in August 2021.

  • Passenger Carriers:- The Passenger Carrier segment is on a boom right now and closed with a gain of 170% in the August truck sales statistics 2022. The brand sold 2,299 units of passenger carriers in August 2022, which stayed at 850 units in the sales of August 2021. 
  • SCV Cargo and Pickup:- The SCV Cargo and Pickup segment experienced a slight fall in sales. Tata Motors sold 14,181 units in this segment and went down by 5% as they sold 14,855 units in the same month last year. 

Tata Motors' total truck sales in India in August 2022 closed at 29,313. The brand witnessed a gain of 12% as the group sold 26,172 units in August 2021. Export Truck sales report August 2022 shows that the company has sold 2,179, with a 40% decrease compared to the 3,609 units of August 2021. 

The group's overall sales (Export + Domestic) of the group witnessed a growth of 6% as they sold 31,492 units in August 2022 compared to 29,781 units in August 2021. 

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