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05 Dec 2022

VE Commercial Vehicles Recorded 32.58% in November Sales 2022

By News Date 05 Dec 2022

VE Commercial Vehicles Recorded 32.58% in November Sales 2022

VECV (Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicles), the joint venture between Eicher Motors and Volvo Group, created a sales growth of 32.58% in November. The truck sales statistics 2022 of November state that the brand sold 3,845 units in the domestic market, which was 2,900 in the same month last year. 

The total truck sales data of the company also increased by 9.85% as the company sold 3,992 units in November 2022 compared to 3,634 units in November 2021. 

If we look at the November Eicher truck sales in India, we can see that the company has made an upward trend and registered a growth of 55.1%. They sold 183 units of VE commercial vehicles in November 2022 against the 118 units in the same month last year. 

The LMD truck Sales figures for 2022 closed at 2,526 units, with an increase of 17.30% against the 2,154 units of the previous year. In addition, the Heavy duty commercial vehicle sales of the brand closed at 1,319 units, with a 77% growth against the 746 sold units last year. Both segments created an upward trend in the VECV truck sales report November 2022. 

According to the November export truck sales figures 2022, the company experienced a decline in sales. The LMD segment sold 102 units with an 80.20% decrease in sales as the segment had 516 sold units in November last year. Also, the HD segment declined by 79.40% with 45 sold units, which was 218 in November 2021. 

Volvo sold 183 units in November, which was 118 in the same month last year, which resulted in the company's 55.10% growth. 

As a result, the total brand export decreased by 79.97% as the company sold 147 units against the 734 units in November 2021. 

The complete VECV truck sales report November 2022 registered a growth of 11.27% as the company sold 4,175 vehicles, against the 3,752 units of the same month last year. 

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