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Bajaj Etec RE 9.0
08 Aug 2022

Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicle Domestic Sales Increased By 19.19%in Truck Sales Report July 2022

By News Date 08 Aug 2022

Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicle Domestic Sales Increased By 19.19%in Truck Sales Report July 2022

Total Domestic and Commercial Vehicle Sales of Eicher Motors Registered a Growth of 19.19% in July Sales

Eicher motors have revealed the total sales data for their July’22. As always, the sales of its joint venture VECV are also displayed in it. The reports show that the first quarter of this financial year is not looking suitable for the brand. The export sales of Eicher have dipped by 45.18%, combining the LMD and HD commercial vehicle sales. 

The truck sales in India of Eicher reported a growth of 19.19%. The LMD segment sold 2709 units, increasing by 5% compared to the 2579 units the previous year. Also, the Heavy Duty commercial vehicles sales were 1365 units, with a 63% growth from the 839 units last year. 

VECV Truck Sales Report July 2022

The export sales according to the Eicher Trucks sales report july 2022 of LMD and HD commercial vehicle sales dropped by 46.60% and 41.90%, respectively, in July’22. Overall export sales of Eicher motors also decreased by 45.18%. Eicher also has a joint venture with Volvo Trucks in India, and it sold 121 units which rose by 55.10% from the 78 units last year in July. 

A comprehensive report states that total sales of Eicher (Domestic + Export) stayed at 4404 units, increasing by 9.55% of the 4020 units of July 2021. And the total sales of VECV reported 4515 units, with a 10.17% increase.


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