Selling Truck Guide : Tips To Sell Your Used Truck in India

Buying and selling a used truck is not an easy process. This process includes many frauds, stress and confusions, which create problems while selling truck, especially when you want to get the best price for your used truck. So, you have to be careful and aware in this process. Also, many of you may not even be aware of the correct process to sell your truck. That’s why you might face many problems during the sale. So, if you are one who struggles with such kinds of problems, this blog is the best place for you. This blog provides a selling truck guide that helps you when you sell your second-hand truck. Through a used truck selling guide, you can easily sell your truck without any hesitation and stress. So, let’s take a quick look at the guide.
Selling Truck Documentation
For selling truck, documents are a very important step. So, if you are planning to sell your used truck, you need plenty of paperwork and essential documentation, some of which are your individual documents, some RTO documents and some truck documents.
In case of your personal documents, you need a self-attested copy of your PAN card, a self-attested copy of any of your address proofs (Voter ID, Driving License, Aadhar Card, etc.), and 2 copies of your passport size photographs. Now moving on to the RTO documents, you required 3 copies of Form 28 with the imprint of the chassis, two copies of Form 29, two copies of Form 30, one copy of Form 35 with bank stamp, one copy of NOC, one copy of the sales affidavit, and a copy of the clearance certificate. Now look at truck documents, in this you should require RC, PUC and insurance without an exemption. Also, you require an invoice in the case of a mismatch in the RC details. An application for insurance transfer can be made only if the trucks insurance is to be transferred to the buyer.
In the below section, we provide the information about the important documents, which are needed for selling truck. So read on and make your sales process less painful.
1. Pan Card
First document which you need the most is a pan card. Suppose you have never generated your PAN card. In that case, you can also give Form 60 to the buyer [Declaration form to be filled by a person who does not have Permanent Account Number or Common Index Register Number and who pays in cash rules in respect of the transactions referred to in clauses (a) to (h) of 114B].
2. Address Proof
Next, you need address proof, you may require documents authorized by the government of India such as Aadhar Card, Driving License, Ration Card, Passport, Voter’s ID etc.
3. RC
Then, Registration Certificate (RC) or Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC) is a certificate which proves that your vehicle is registered with RTO (Regional Transport Office) authorities. This certificate involves all the information about the technical abilities and owner of the tractor.
4. PUC
Next, PUC means Pollution Under Control certificate, an essential certificate that certifies the emission of toxic chemicals from your truck is under control. The certificate is only given based on emission and smoke tests for diesel, petrol and CNG trucks. The battery-operated trucks or vehicles are free from this test. You may get your PUC certificate at any authorized petrol pumps and any authorized testing centre after the test done.
5. Application For The Insurance Transfer
Then, You have to apply to the insurance company to transfer the insurance policy to the truck’s buyer.
6. Form 28
It includes an application for a grant of no objection certificate.
7. Form 29
This truck sale paper has an application for transfer of ownership of a vehicle.
8. Form 30
It has a report of transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle.
9. Form 35
This includes an application for termination of an agreement of hire-purchase or lease or hypothecation.
10. Invoice Of Truck
Last but not least, invoice of truck. This document is required for any mismatch in RC details with exact truck details. It is given by the outlet or truck dealership from where you bought your truck.
These are selling truck forms and documents, which are highly required while selling truck or vehicle.
Method To Sell A Truck
For selling truck, there are two methods available that help you to sell your truck with care at a proper price. Check it out.
Traditional Way
The first way for selling truck is the old or traditional way. In this way, you should place your truck advertisement in the local newspaper. Also, you have to contact local truck dealers. You can also inform your family members and friends and ask them to promote it. Along with this, you should affix ‘For Sale’ with your contact details on the rear windshield of your used truck. Finally, put leaflets on notice boards of your office, housing complex, club etc. These are some traditional or offline ways for selling your second-hand commercial vehicle.
Modern Way
The second way to sell vehicles is the new or modern way, which is more reliable and simple. In this way, you can place the ad in online portals that cater to a particular segment, like Truck Junction did. Truck Junction is the best online platform that helps you to sell and buy second hand truck. This website provides a SELL YOUR TRUCK segment for selling various commercial vehicles. Along with this, you can use social media. These are some of the best modern ways for selling your vehicle.
How To Sell A Truck
These are some major steps which are mentioned in the below section if you sell your truck by yourself:-
Prepare Second Hand Truck For Selling
- In this step, you have to prepare your vehicle like you have to clean your truck.
- If there is any damage or problem in your truck, you have to repair them.
- Make sure interiors are free and clean from stains.
- With this, collect all the important documents and make a copy of them. In addition, you should take recent photographs of the vehicles.
- After that, create an advertisement for this in a local newspaper or online platform.
- Finally, decide the right price for the vehicle, which is neither too low nor too high.
Interaction With Buyers
- After the advertisement, you have to focus on a true, potential and serious buyer.
- Don’t be too eager to sell or be overly aggressive. Instead, stay focused and to the point, answering all questions best.
- Give them proper information about your vehicle.
These are some important points and steps for selling truck or vehicle. Also, keep in mind the given truck sale documents which are important for good selling. This Sell Truck Guide protects you from fraud.
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