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04 Jul 2023

Ashok Leyland Domestic Sales Growth Of 2.31% In June 2023

By News Date 04 Jul 2023

Ashok Leyland Domestic Sales Growth Of 2.31% In June 2023

Ashok Leyland Sold 13,069 CV Sales Units In The Domestic Market

Ashok Leyland is one of the leading producers of commercial vehicles (CV) in India. This CV manufacturer makes its monthly Commercial Vehicle (CV) Sales Data available. The CV Sales Report for June 2023 from Ashok Leyland was just made public. It saw an overall sales hike of 0.98% in the combined domestic and export markets. 

Ashok Leyland CV Sales June 2023 highlighted total sales of 13,336 units in this period as compared to 13,206 units in June 2022. The company ended this June month with a slight sales growth of 0.98% in the domestic market. It faced a magnificent sales decline of 38.33% in the export market during June month.

Check Commercial Vehicle Domestic Sales Data June 2023

Ashok Leyland Domestic Sales Data June 2023

Ashok Leyland Commercial Vehicle Sales Report June 2023 saw a sales growth of 2.31%. It noticed selling units of 13,069 CVs sold as compared to 12,773 units in June 2022. This company observed a 4% sales hike in the segment of M&HCV Trucks. 

However, it faced negligible sales growth in the LCV category. Ashok Leyland Truck Sales Report June 2023 sold 7,980 M&HCV units compared to 7,703 in June 2022. The segment of LCV saw a sale of 5,089 units in June 2023 compared to 5,070 units in June 2022. 

Check Commercial Vehicle Export Sales Data June 2023

Ashok Leyland Export Sales Data June 2023

According to May Ashok Leyland Export Commercial Vehicle Sales Statistics 2023, a great sales downfall of 38.33% was seen. It observed 267 units sold in June 2023 as compared to 433 units in 2022 June month. The brand saw a remarkable sales decline of 70.24% in the M&HCV category.

Similarly, it experienced a sales hike of 58.87% in the LCV category. Under the M&HCV units, the company sold 97 CVs in June 2023 compared to 326 CVs in June 2022. The LCV category highlighted sales of 170 units for June 2023 compared to 107 units in June 2022.

Check Commercial Vehicle Gross (Domestic + Export) Sales Data June 2023

Ashok Leyland Gross (Domestic + Export) Sales Data June 2023

Ashok Leyland Gross Commercial Vehicle Sales Figures June 2023 noted a slight sales growth of 0.98%. It observed selling 13,336 units in June 2023 compared to 13,206 units in June 2022. The company registered a slight sales hike of 1% in the category of M&HCV. 

Similarly, it observed a slight sales growth of 2% in LCV for June 2023. Under the M&HCV Trucks, 8,077 CVs were sold in June 2023 as compared to 8,029 CVs in June 2022. Within the LCV, 5,259 CVs were sold in June 2023, as compared to 5,177 CVs sold in June 2022.

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