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Daimler India Inaugurates Mechatronics Lab for Faster Innovation in Trucks

Posted On : 20 August, 2024

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) has recently inaugurated a state-of-the-art Mechatronics Lab at its Oragadam facility. This new lab marks a significant leap in the efficiency of software architecture verification and validation. Moreover, it promises a substantial reduction in costs—up to 80% compared to traditional methods. By implementing advanced agile methodologies, the lab accelerates the identification and resolution of software bugs. As a result, the time required for testing and verification is reduced from weeks to days.

Key Highlights of Daimler India's New Labs Inauguration

Enhancing Safety and Compliance

The Mechatronics Lab is a critical development for DICV. Additionally, it ensures the software feature functionality of its trucks and buses meets current safety standards. Moreover, the lab's cutting-edge technology allows for the evaluation of new vehicle architectures without the need for multiple test vehicles. Consequently, this streamlines the development process and further reduces costs. 

Advanced Capabilities and Infrastructure

  • The lab can verify and validate around 300 features across more than a thousand signals within just 10 days.

  • It can also verify 600 fault codes in a developing product within a few weeks, a process that traditionally took months.

  • This rapid turnaround is expected to significantly shorten product development cycles, enhancing the safety and efficiency of DICV's trucks and buses.

  • The lab features a flashing station for pre-production verification of all electronic control units (ECUs).

  • This setup ensures hardware and software compatibility before production, minimizing errors and reducing the need for re-releases.

  • Additionally, the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) setup allows on-road data to be reproduced in a controlled lab environment, facilitating initial software modifications without depending on physical vehicles.

Statement by President of Product Engineering & Chief Technology Officer at Daimler

Pradeep Kumar Thimmaiyan says, “Our new Mechatronics Lab signals a transformative phase in our Research and Development operations, ushering us into an era that underscores enhanced agility and breakthrough innovations. Beyond validation, our Mechatronics Lab stands as a hub for innovation, positioning us uniquely on the global stage. Already, the lab is the core of our future electrical and electronic architectures. The DICV Mechatronics Lab complements the company's long-term vision, positioning it at the forefront of technological advancements in the commercial vehicle sector. It underscores our commitment to 'Make and Develop in India, for India and the World’, embodying our vision to not only cater to domestic needs but also to set new benchmarks internationally.”

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, efficient truck. The Mechatronics Lab is the next step in this journey. Consequently, it propels the company towards a future of even safer, smarter, and more sustainable commercial vehicles.

With this new facility, DICV reinforces its commitment to 'Make and Develop in India, for India and the World.' Moreover, it sets new benchmarks for the global commercial vehicle industry.

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