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Bajaj Etec RE 9.0
08 Jan 2022

Force Motors Domestic Sales Growth By 83%

By News Date 08 Jan 2022

Force Motors Domestic Sales Growth By 83%

Good News For Force Motors. The company recorded 83% growth in its Domestic Sales in December 2021. 

Force Motors recorded 83% growth in its domestic sales in December 2021, which shows that December month was good for Force Motors domestic sales. The company has recorded good growth in LCV and SCV segments. With this, Force Motors has also recorded growth in exports of the LCV and SCV segments. As a result, the company’s domestic sales have seen massive growth in both segments, LCV and SCV. 

The company said its total auto production was 1,609 units in December 2021, raising nearly 28% year-on-year and 41.7% month-on-month. Force Motors registered 1,442 units of domestic sales, increasing 83% YOY and 86.7% MOM. In December 2021, Exports of Force Motors stood at 215 units, dropping 27.6% YOY and 40.6% on a sequential basis. Production of SCV and LCV stood at 967 units, while domestic sales of SCV and LCV stood at 769 units. Force Motors exported 211 units of SCV & LCV in December 2021. 

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