Payload Capacity
300-600 KG
No. of Tyres
60-110 Km/charge
Gayam Motor Works Loader E is best-in-class 3 Wheeler manufactured by Gayam Motor Works. This 3 Wheeler from Gayam Motor Works is a good option for cleaner transportation.
Gayam Motor Works Loader E 3 Wheeler price is cost effective based on its specifications. Moreover, our platform helps you know about Gayam Motor Works Loader E on road price in your city or district.
Gayam Motor Works Loader E 3 Wheeler has a good output motor. The Gayam Motor Works Loader E battery capacity is good. Moreover, this 3 Wheeler delivers a high output.
This 3 Wheeler has a range of 60-110 Km/charge. In addition, the Gayam Motor Works Loader E has a fast charging time. This Gayam Motor Works Loader E has a high powered battery pack.
Gayam Motor Works Loader E has a high GVW capacity. Also, this 3 Wheeler comes with a payload capacity of 300-600 KG. Finally, the seating capacity of the Gayam Motor Works Loader E is Driver.
Gayam Motor Works Loader E is built with appropriate wheelbase. Also, the Gayam Motor Works Loader E is fitted with comfortable tires.
Gayam Motor Works Loader E 3 Wheeler is available with complete information at Truck Junction. Furthermore, here you can get the Gayam Motor Works Loader E loan and EMI options.
Max Speed
30-50 KMPH
No. of Tyres
Payload Capacity
300-600 KG
60-110 Km/charge
Max Speed
Seating Capacity
The Information about the Gayam Motor Works Loader E 3 Wheeler in India is as on the date shared by Gayam Motor Works. For the current features and variants, the customers need to visit the nearest Gayam Motor Works dealer. Gayam Motor Works Loader E price shown above is Ex. Showroom price. For exact Gayam Motor Works Loader E 3 Wheeler price, kindly send a request and our call assistance team will help you out.