Tata Signa 2830.K is a Tipper which is manufactured by Tata, which is known for its best-in-class vehicles. It belongs to the Tipper category of commercial vehicles.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper Price:-
:product Tipper price in India is Rs. 51.24 Lakhs - Rs. 54.11 Lakhs*. In addition, Truck Junction can provide you the Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper on road price in your city.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper Engine Capacity:-
Tata Signa 2830.K engine capacity is 6702 CC. As a result, it delivers a power of 300 HP with 1100 NM torque. Furthermore, The engine of this Tipper is aligned with a 430mm Single Plate dry frictional Push Type. It has a G 1150, 9 Forward + 1 Reverse type of gearbox.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper Mileage:-
This Tata Signa 2830.K has a high mileage, and is fitted with a fuel tank capacity of 300 litres. It provides the Tipper a good driving range.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper GVW & Payload Capacity:-
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) is 28000 KG. This Tipper has a high payload capacity.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper Body Cabin:-
This Tata Signa 2830.K offers a quality body option. In addition, this Tipper has a Signa of cabin.
Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper Wheelbase:-
The Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper wheelbase is 3800 MM, which provides high-balance driving. Also, the Tata Signa 2830.K Tipper has 11X20NT front tyres and 11X20NT rear tyres. This configuration tires provide the Tipper with good grip.
Get latest Tata Signa 2830.K on road price Feb 19, 2025.