Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab is a Pickup Truck which is manufactured by Tata, which is known for its best-in-class vehicles. It belongs to the Pickup Truck category of commercial vehicles.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck Price:-
:product Pickup Truck price in India is Rs. 9.60 Lakhs - Rs. 10.65 Lakhs*. In addition, Truck Junction can provide you the Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck on road price in your city.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck Engine Capacity:-
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab engine capacity is 2200 CC. As a result, it delivers a power of 100 HP with 250 NM torque. Furthermore, The engine of this Pickup Truck is aligned with a 260 mm Dia Single Plate dry Friction type. It has a GBS-76-5/4.49 mark 2, 5 forward + 1 Reverse type of gearbox.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck Mileage:-
This Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab has a high mileage, and is fitted with a fuel tank capacity of 52 litres. It provides the Pickup Truck a good driving range.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck GVW & Payload Capacity:-
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) is 2990 KG. Also, it has a payload capacity of 1160 KG allowing users to carry a good amount of load.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck Body Cabin:-
This Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab offers a quality body option. In addition, this Pickup Truck has a comfortable cabin.
Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck Wheelbase:-
The Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck wheelbase is 3300 MM, which provides high-balance driving. Also, the Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab Pickup Truck has 215/75 R 16 Radial front tyres and 215/75 R 16 Radial rear tyres. This configuration tires provide the Pickup Truck with good grip.
Get latest Tata Yodha Ex Single Cab on road price Feb 18, 2025.